SEAMCAT propagation model P.452-16 implements also clutter loss following the method of application as described in Recommendation ITU-R P.452-16: (i) the basic propagation loss is first computed for the portion of the path between the positions of Tx and Rx clutter, considering nominal clutter heights as antenna heights; (ii) the additional loss due to protection from local clutter is then added to the previously computed basic propagation loss. There is a predefined set of clutter (ground-cover) categories that the user can choose from: Suburban, Dense suburban, Urban, Dense urban, High-rise urban, and Industrial zone. The user can also specify other clutter conditions by introducing the corresponding Tx/Rx clutter nominal heights as well as the distances from Tx/Rx antennas.
The additional clutter loss is not suitable if the clutter distance dk from the respective terminal is not significantly greater than the distance between the terminals d. In SEAMCAT, the clutter loss is computed only if
Mathblock |
{d>10(d}_{k_t}+d_{k_r}) |