This activates the Transmitter Library window which displays a list of existing transmitter elements in the library. Please note that it is the same interface as in the workspace so that it is easy to fill. If you no transmitter has been previously created the list will contain only the DEFAULT transmitter elements:
Figure 290: Transmitter library elements Anchor F290 F290
- Transmitter identification: to define name (unique identifier), description;
- Antenna pointing: It contains all information relative to the antenna other than the radiation pattern;
- Antenna patterns identification: to define a specific antenna to be associated with that particular receiver. Note that you can select one of the existing antenna library elements or define completely new antenna parameters to be associated only with the given receiver;
- Emission characteristics: to define the basic transmission features, such as power, spectrum emission mask function, etc..
Note 1: It is possible to quickly scroll up and down and see the differences in the transmitters.
Note 2: It is possible to create a transmitter from the workspace and export it to your library environment
Figure 291: Example on how to import/export to/from the workspace/library for the transmitter elements Anchor F291 F291