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In this case the function always returns the same constant value


It is defined by a sequence of points (x, y=f(x)) meaning that the input as many values as needed for abscissa and corresponding function response values, paying attention to units shown in the heading of the relevant function definition window


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Figure 359: Example on how to edit a user defined function (i.e. like receiver blocking mask)


To enter a non-constant function, select User-defined item in the Type group box and enter the points defining the function in form of pairs (x, y=f(x)) in the function table:

Note: the range of entered data depends on the type of defined parameter, therefore you should carefully checked it. For example, for user-defined blocking function all entered values y=f(x) should be positive.

The following functions are available in the dialog window:

  • Add: To add a new pair, click on Add button. Pairs are then automatically sorted by increasing x value;
  • Delete: To suppress a pair, click on Delete button;
  • Sym: To symmetrize a function, click on Sym button, this results in generating for each existing pair (x, y) a symmetric counterpart (-x, y), if it doesn't already exist;
  • Load: click on the Load button to import a set of function values from a text file. This file must be formatted to contain one pair (x, y) per line, TAB separated;
  • Save: press the Save button to export the current function table into a text file, e.g. for frequently used functions or for sharing with other users.