A17.21.1 Description of the model
Table 1: 3GPP TR 38.901 Path Loss model
Note 1:
Breakpoint distance , where is the centre frequency in Hz, m/s is the propagation velocity in free space, and and are the effective antenna heights at the BS and the MS, respectively. The effective antenna heights and are computed as follows: , where and are the actual antenna heights, and is the effective environment height. For UMi, m. For UMa, m with a probability equal to and chosen from a discrete uniform distribution otherwise. With given byBreakpoint distance dBP'=4hBS'hMS'fc/c,
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Cd2D, hMS= 0, hMS<13 hMS-13101,5gd2D, 13 ≤hMS≤23
gd2D= 0, d2D≤18 54d2D1003exp-d2D150, 18<d2D
Note that hE depends on d2D and hMS and thus needs to be independently determined for every link between BS sites and MSs. A BS site may be a single BS or multiple co-located BSs.
3-D distance is defined as:
Note 2:
fc denotes the center frequency normalized by 1 GHz, all distance and height related values are normalized by 1 m, unless it is stated otherwise.
Note 3:
UMa NLOS pathloss is from TR 36.873 with simplified format and PLUMa-LOS is equal to pathloss of UMa LOS outdoor scenario.
Note 4:
PLUMi-LOS is the pathloss of UMi-Street Canyon LOS outdoor scenario.
Note 5:
Break point distance dBP=2πhBShMSfc/c, where fc is the centre frequency in Hz, c=3×108 m/s is the propagation velocity in free space, and hBS and hMS are the antenna heights at the BS and the MS, respectively.
SEAMCAT specific implementation:
hBS=maxhTx, hRx
hMS=minhTx, hRx
Table 2: LOS Probability
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Note: The LOS probability is derived assuming antenna heights of 3 m for indoor, 10 m for UMi and 25 m for UMa. |
The input parameters for the path loss model 3GPP TR 38.901 are shown in Figure 1 and defined in Table 3.
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Description | Symbol | Type | Unit | Comments |
Variation | σSF | B | dB | Variation in path loss (applies shadow fading) |
Scenario | - | S | - | Urban Macro Cell (UMa), Urban Micro Cell-Street canyon (UMi-Street canyon), or Rural Macro Cell (RMa) |
Line of Sight | - | S | - | Line of Sight (LOS), Non-Line of Sight (NLOS), or LOS Probabilities |
Street width | W | D | m | Average street width for RMa scenario |
Building height | h | D | m | Average building height for RMa scenario |