A typical scenario consists of one victim link which describes the communication system being interfered and at least one interfering link which describes the interfering system(s) that may cause interference to the victim link. CDMA or OFDMA systems are modeled differently, using special algorithm that creates a grid of multiple cells.
Set the scenario by selecting what system will be the victim and what system will be the interferer. Remember that setting the frequency at the “scenario level” overwrite any settings at the “System level”.
Figure 211209: Setting the simulation scenario Anchor F211F209F211 F209
Table 3840: Simulation scenario – Victim System Anchor T038T040T038 T040
Description | Symbol | Type | Unit | Comments |
Frequency | fVLT or fILT | Distribution or Scalar | MHz | Distribution of the centre frequency of the victim system or the interfering system links. |
The simulation control is explained in Section 2.10.