This ECC Report is intended as a handbook on SEAMCAT for new users; to guide them from installation to carrying out advanced simulations, therefore the users will be refered to as “you”. It is also intended as a reference for more experienced users by providing working guidance on different scenarios and advanced functions.
SEAMCAT is a radio spectrum system oriented software tool which allows you to build your own libraries (such as antennas, spectrum masks, propagation models, radio systems) or use those provided by other users to ease the effort to build complete scenarios for investigation. SEAMCAT is distributed with a predefined set of libraries, so that you do not need to reinvent the wheel every time you have studies to perform.
SEAMCAT is designed so that play/replay feature and plugins can help radio spectrum engineers to understandhow simulations are run or to extend algorithms.
- Sharing and compatibility studies on different equipment operating in the same or adjacent frequency bands;
- Assessing the impact of using different systems transmit and receive masks;
- Evaluation of limits applied e.g. for unwanted emissions, blocking or intermodulation products.
SEAMCAT version 5.0.0 and upward is a tool based on multicore processing allowing fast computation.
You can join the SEAMCAT community (Section 1.8) to contribute to the development of SEAMCAT and its libraries..
This ECC Report provides updated information compared to the material given in ERC Report 68 [7] which specified the original SEAMCAT alorithms.
The radio spectrum is a limited resource and can only be used optimally if compatibility is assured between radio systems located in the same or adjacent frequency bands. The important criterion for radio compatibility is the difference between the wanted/desired signal level (victim link system) and any interfering signal levels in the victim link receiver’s input. The most significant interference mechanisms are unwanted emissions from transmitters as well as blocking and intermodulation in the victim link receiver.
There are different approaches [17] to analyse these criteria, such as the Monte Carlo method as provided by SEAMCAT, and the Minimum Coupling Loss (MCL) method.
A Monte Carlo simulation as used in this report is a statistical technique based upon the consideration of many independent events in time, space and frequency. For each event, or simulation trial, a scenario is built up using a number of different random variables that define the systems to be simulated (e.g. the location of the interferers with respect to the victim, the victim link's wanted signal strength, the channels/frequnecies of the victim and interferer use). If a sufficient number of simulation trials are considered then the probability of a certain event occurring can be evaluated with a high level of accuracy by taking the average result over all trials.
The flexibility in the model and its’ supporting software implementation allow a quick yet reliable consideration of spatial and temporal distributions of the received signals and the resulting statistical probability of interference in a wide variety of scenarios.
Structure of this ECC Report