A8.2.1 Case 1: No overlap Anchor A8.2 A8.2
Figure 384386: iRSS_blocking case 1: no overlap Anchor F384F386F384 F386
lower: offset - BWILT/2 – emission mask asymmetry[1]
A8.2.2 Case 2: Partial overlap with fILT > fVLR
Figure 385387: iRSS_blocking case 2: partial overlap with fILT > fVLR Anchor F385F387F385 F387
Note: the blue coloured range is covered by the iRSS_unwanted calculation and therefore not taken into account in the iRSS_blocking calculation.
lower: BWVLR/2
upper: offset + BWILT/2 – emission mask asymmetry
dF: step size, e.g. min{0.1;( BWILT)/20}
A8.2.3 Case 3: Partial overlap with fILT < fVLR
Figure 386388: iRSS_blocking case 3: partial overlap with fILT < fVLR Anchor F386F388F386 F388
Note: the blue coloured range is covered by the iRSS_unwanted calculation and therefore not taken into account in the iRSS_blocking calculation.
upper: - BWVLR/2
lower: – offset - BWILT/2 – emission mask asymmetry
A8.2.4 Case 4: Total overlap with BWVLR < BWILT
Figure 387389: iRSS_blocking case 4: Total overlap with BWVLR < BWILT Anchor F387F389F387 F389
Note: the blue coloured range is covered by the iRSS_unwanted calculation and therefore not taken into account in the iRSS_blocking calculation.
lower: offset - BWILT/2 – emission mask asymmetry
excluding the range fVLR ± BWVLR/2
Note that at least 3 samples are required for the range fVLR ± BWVLR.
A8.2.5 Case 5: total overlap with BWVLR > BWILT
Figure 388390: iRSS_blocking case 5: total overlap with BWVLR > BWILT Anchor F388F390F388 F390
In this case, there is no blocking as the interference is completely covered by the unwanted calculation. The blocking attenuation is therefore set to 1000 dB.
The integral requires positive values of the blocking mask, i.e. the blocking mode has to be considered first.
where: n = range/dF and range = upper-lower
maskValue(f) = BlockUD (dB).
- For generic systems defined with blocking modes different to user-defined (i.e. sensitivity and protection ratio);
- Protection Ratio (dB):
maskValue(f) = BlockPR (dB) + C/(N+I) (dB) + (N+I)/N (dB) - I/N (dB)
- Sensitivity Mode (dBm):
maskValue(f) = BlockSens (dBm) – SensitivityVLR (dBm) + C/(N+I) (dB) – I/N (dB)
For a User Equipment: the bandwidth is: the number of RBs per MS (UE) multiplied by the bandwidth or one resource block.
Calculation of BW for CDMA
- Standard desensitisation (for which the blocking mask values where derived);
- Target I/N (which depends on the scenario considered and can be extracted from the CEPT/ECC or ITU-R deliverables ).
If the mask is entered as positive values then these parameters are not used.
Figure 389391: Input parameters for cellular receivers blocking masks Anchor F389F391F389 F391
Default values of standard desensitisation and Target I/N are specified in the table below.
Table 6768: Default values of standard desensitisation and Target I/N Anchor T067T068T067 T068
| Standard |
Desensitsation (dB) | Target I/N (dB) | |
OFDMA UL | +6 | -6 |
OFDMA DL | +6 | -6 |
CDMA UL | +6 | -6 |
CDMA DL | +3 | -6 |
The algorithm to convert negative blocking mask values is as follows:
Blocking Response = IOOB_target – Noise floor – I/Ntarget
- I/Ntargetis always understood as ‘target I/N of the victim’, which is calculated for D_target (target desensitisation)
- Noise floor = 10*log(kTB) + F.
- K= Boltzmann Constant
- T = Noise temperature (Kelvin)
- B = Receiver bandwidth in MHz
- F = Noise Figure (dB)
- IOOB_target is calculated as follows :
- IOOB-STANDARD = is the original blocking mask;
- DSTANDARD = is the standard desensitisation for which the blocking mask values (IOOB-STANDARD) were derived. It is an input of cellular receiver settings (see Figure 389).
- DTARGET = 10*log10(10^(I/N_target/10)+1) ; where I/N_target is an input of cellular receiver settings.
Finally we obtain:
Blocking Response = IOOB-TARGET – Noise floor– I/Ntarget, which means: