- evaluate(): algorithm of the calculation of the coverage radius;
- consistencyCheck(): see section 14.3.2;
- description(): the unique name of the coverage radius plugin and an optional description (but highly recommended in order to show the user its characteristics and its scope of application);
- Input: the input parameters of the Coverage Radius Plugin, see section 14.3.1.
Figure 340341: Basic structure of the coverage radius plugin Anchor F340F341F340 F341
- GenericSystem:
contains all information about the system. i.e. its transmitter, receiver and the link conditions in between. It includes also for instance the information whether the system applies a user-defined dRSS, and if its distribution, too.
For simplification the already implemented Traffic Limited plugin is shown as example:
Figure 341342: Traffic limited coverage radius as example Anchor F341F342F341 F342
Figure 342343: Configuration panel of Traffic Limited coverage radius Anchor F342F343F342 F343
There are no specific predefined values for the Traffic Limited coverage radius plugin (e.g. set to zero) since generic systems parameters may generally differ from each other.