- evaluate(): the core body of the PMP with the mathematical formulation of its physical behavior;
- consistencyCheck(): the check of consistency / validity of the input parameters ;
- description(): the unique name of the PMP and an optional description (but highly recommended in order to show the user its characteristics and its scope of application);
- Input: the input parameters of the PMP (see section 14.3.1).
Figure 330331: basic structure of the PMP Anchor F330F331F330 F331
- LinkResult
all information about the link condition that the PMP is assigned to - Boolean b (on the above example already renamed) flag whether variations have to be considered by the model
An example of a PMP (simple Dual-Slop model, similar to IEEE 802.11 Model C) is presented below. Note that the consistency check is separately shown in section 14.3.2. The input parameter are presented in Figure 331 and the algorithm is presented in Figure 332. The panel of the simple Dual-Slop model in SEAMCAT is shown in Figure 333.
Figure 331332: Description and input interface (The parameter variations can be pre-set by the PMP) Anchor F331F332F331 F332
Figure 332333: Algorithm implementation in the method evaluate() (the yellow marked condition lets the PMP stop calculations in case true, due to not consistent with the scope of application) Anchor F332F333F332 F333
Figure 333334: PMP configuration panel Anchor F333F334F333 F334