The new form simplifies the registration and is also better tailored for hybrid attendance.
1. Registration page overview
Part 1 - Meeting registration details - contains general info about the meeting. Part 2 |
- Personal details - show your personal details from |
the profile data. It is NOT possible to edit these data on this form. If data are not correct, please proceed to your profile section and edit these. Part 3 - Attendance type and affiliation - is where |
you indicate how |
you will attend the meeting, and which entity |
you are representing during the meeting. |
Representing: Under "Representing" you will indicate which entity you are representing, while attending the meeting, according to the following options:
Attending: if a meeting is Hybrid the option to participate either physical or virtual are indicated as options. Please note that a meeting can be hybrid with no more available seats in either physical or virtual, in which case the option is not selectable. |
Representing: Under "Representing" you will indicate which entity you are representing, while attending the meeting, according to the following options:
Private Comment: If you have a private comment for the organiser/Chair of the meeting, please use the text field. The note will ONLY be visible to the organiser of the meeting, the Chair and ECO staff. Submit registration.