How to access coordination tools

How to access coordination tools



In order to access the Coordination tools provided for the WRC-23 and RA-23, you need to have a CEPT profile. This can be created from the frontpage of the CEPT portal, by clicking the “Register Profile” in the login box.

Fill in the form, and acknowledge the account creation by the verification email in your email.

Apply for membership

When your profile is created, and you are logged into the portal, you now need to request membership of the WRC23 Coordination group.

Go to ECC → Groups → WRC23 Coordination - you will see a NO GROUP ACCESS page - on this page please indicate in the textbox which national delegation you belong to and click apply. If the textbox is not shown, please make sure you are logged in to the site, also if you already applied for membership, the textbox will not be shown.

The chair will now receive a message about your request, and will shortly admit you to the group. Only delegates registered in national delegations of CEPT countries at RA/WRC-23 are admitted to the group.

Access the chat

When you are admitted to the WRC23 Coordination group, you can access the chat. Click the “Chat” link in the top menu. Your login information is listed on your CEPT profile page.


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