

The Interference calculation panel allows you to extract the probability of interference from various combinations. They are summarised in Table 62 below.

Table 63: Summary of the calculation of the probability of interference resulting from the overloading

Signal type combination


Unwanted only

Calculate the probability of interference by only considering the iRSSunwanted

Blocking only

Calculate the probability of interference by only considering the iRSSblocking

Intermodulation only [1]

Calculate the probability of interference by only considering the iRSSintermod

Blocking + unwanted

Calculate the probability of interference by considering both the iRSSunwanted and iRSSblocking

Blocking + unwanted +


Calculate the probability of interference by considering the iRSSunwanted , iRSSblocking and

Overloading only

Calculate the probability of interference resulting from the overloading only for a given total number of events where the dRSS > sensitivity. The resulting probability is

Poverloading = 1 - ( Ngood_overloading /Nall)


Ngood_overloading = Nall - Noverloaded


  • Nall is the number of event where dRSS > sensitivity,
  • Ngood_overloading is the number of “good” events from overloading (i.e. not overloaded).
  • Noverloaded is the number of event when the receiver is overloaded.

e.g. For 100 events simulated, dRSS > sensitivity occurred for Nall (=70 events). Out of Nall, the overloading occurred for Noverloaded (=30 events).

Therefore the probability of interference of overloading only is Poverloading =1-(40/70).

Overloading + blocking

Calculate the probability of interference resulting from the overloading and from the blocking for a given total number of events where the dRSS > sensitivity. The resulting probability is

Poverloading+blocking = 1 - ( (Ngood_overloading+blocking)/Nall )


Ngood_overloading+blocking = Nall - Noverloaded - Nblocked


  • Nall is the number of event where dRSS > sensitivity,
  • Ngood_overloading+blocking is the number of “good” events from the combined overloading and blocking mechanism.
  • Noverloaded is the number of event when the receiver was overloaded.
  • Nblocked is the number of event which were inpaired by  blocking (i.e. receiver blocked). It is obtained from the comparison with the iRSSblocking and a specific interference criterion (C/I, I/N etc..)

e.g. For 100 events simulated, dRSS > sensitivity occurred for Nall (=70 events). Out of Nall, the overloading occurred for Noverloaded (=30 events). The iRSSblocking is then calculated over the (70-30=) 40 remaining events. Number of good events resulting from blocking, Nblocked, is based on the comparison between the iRSSblocking and a specific interference criterion over these 40 events. Let say that for Nblocked = 25 events out of 40 the receiver is blocked.

Therefore the probability of interference of the combined overloading and blocking is Poverloading+blocking= 1 - ( (40 - 25)/70 )

Overloading + blocking + unwanted

Same principle as above except that the iRSScomp (=iRSSblocking+iRSSunwanted) is considered in the comparison to a specific interference criterion

Overloading + blocking + unwanted +


Same principle as above except but additionally considering iRSSintermod  on iRSScomp

Overloading  + unwanted

Same principle as above except that the iRSSunwatnted is compared to a specific criterion

[1] Available only if simulated

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