A14.1 Power control in the interfering link
A power control feature is implemented within SEAMCAT for the interfering link (see example in Section 4.9). When this feature is activated, this introduces a power control gain for the interefering link transmitter, defined as:
(Eq. 184)
- : power supplied to the ILT antenna (before power control);
- : ILT antenna gain in the direction of the ILR;
- : ILR antenna gain in the direction of the ILT;
- : path loss between the ILT and the ILR;
- : power control receiver threshold, if the received power is lower than this threshold, then no power control takes place (dBm);
- : power control dynamic range (dB);
- : steps of power control (dB).
The power received in the interfering link receiver results in:
(Eq. 185)
It distinguished between 3 cases:
Case 1 - (Received power below power threshold):
Case (i+1) - (within power control limits):
where i is an integer ranging from 1 to
Case (n_step +2) - (beyond power control limits):