2.3 Typical SEAMCAT workflow
2.3 Typical SEAMCAT workflow
When using SEAMCAT for a compatibility analysis, a typical workflowwould be asfollows:
- Create or update a simulation workspace;
- Set the simulation control parameters (number of events, debug mode or not);
- Run a simulation;
- Analyse the event generation results, modify the input scenario if necessary and re-run the event generation;
- Perform one or more interference calculation runs;
- Generate a simulation report.
Figure 21: Typical work flow when using SEAMCAT
In addition to these basic steps futher ones may be useful for different purposes:
- Save workspace as an XML compliant file for later (repeated) work or for sharing with other users;
- Create or update elements in the equipment library for repeatedly used equipment types;
- Import a library;
- Use of batch job, to serialise your work;
- Share your workspace with others;
- Use of an Event Processing Plugin for advanced scenario specific calculations.
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