1.4.5 Unwanted emissions

1.4.5 Unwanted emissions

The level of unwanted emissions  ( i.e. consisting of the out-of-band emissions and the spurious emissions [8] of the ILT) falling within the VLR receiver bandwidth (Figure 11) is determined using the interferer’s transmit mask, the receiver bandwidth of the VLR, the interferer-to-victim frequency separation, the gains of the antennas and the propagation loss. The receiver experiences the unwanted power directly as additional noise in terms of I+N. There is no possibility in terms of filtering with which the receiver could reduce this impact by itself.

Note that the receiver bandwidth is taken into account in the unwanted calculation.

Further details on the unwanted emission mask are provided in ANNEX 6:. Details on the iRSSunwanted calculation are given in ANNEX 5:. The unwanted emission is also sometimes quantified using the term Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR) (see Annex A15.7).

Figure 11: Illustration of the interference due to the unwanted emissions (i.e. the unwanted emissions of ILT falling in the receiver bandwidth of VLR)

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