1.4.6 Receiver blocking

1.4.6 Receiver blocking

The level of interference determined by the interferer’s transmit power, the antenna gains and propagation loss, is further decreased due to the receiver blocking performance for a given interferer/victim frequency separation. Details on the iRSSblocking calculation are given in ANNEX 5:.

Note that from SEAMCAT 5.0.1 onwards, the blocking attenuation is computed at the ILT frequency and that the ILT bandwidth is nowconsidered (see ANNEX 8:). There are 3 ways to calculate the blocking response which are described in more detail in ANNEX 8::

User Defined (dB):           AttBlocking = BlockUD (dB)                                                                                                                                   (Eq. 13)

Protection Ratio (dB):       AttBlocking = BlockPR (dB) + C/(N+I) (dB) + (N+I)/N (dB) - I/N (dB)                                                     (Eq. 14)

Sensitivity Mode (dBm): AttBlocking = BlockSens (dBm) – SensitivityVLR (dBm) + C/(N+I) (dB) – I/N (dB)                                 (Eq. 15)

Figure 12: Illustration of the blocking of the victim link receiver (i.e. total emission power of ILT reduced by the blocking attenuation (selectivity) function of the VLR

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