The relative position between a transmitter and a receiver is described by its Distance, Azimuth and Delta X,Y when you have selected a decorrelated mode, or by Delta X, Y only when you have selected a correlated mode. The selection of this mode and input parameters are described in Section 5.4.1 (VLT-VLR or ILT-ILR) and Section 10.3.1 (ILT-VLR)
The relative positioning of the pair of Tx and Rx is calculated in Cartesian coordinates. The relative positioning is always expressed relatively to the transmitter and is defined as:
∆X Tx/Rx = ∆X + dRx to Tx cos(aRx to Tx) (Eq. 161)
∆Y Tx/Rx = ∆Y + dRx to Tx sin(aRx to Tx) (Eq. 162)