The relative position between a transmitter and a receiver is described by its Distance, Azimuth and Delta X,Y when you have selected a decorrelated mode, or by Delta X, Y only when you have selected a correlated mode. The selection of this mode and input parameters are described in Section 5.4.1 (VLT-VLR or ILT-ILR) and Section 10.3.1 (ILT-VLR)
Distance: The distance between the Rx and the Tx (dTx to Rx ) is calculated through multiplying a trialled path distance factor
by the coverage radius Rmax such asAzimuth: The azimuth aRx to Tx of the Tx-Rx path is calculated trough a trial of path azimuth according to the defined distribution:
aRx to Tx = T(ARx to Tx) (Eq. 160)
The relative positioning of the pair of Tx and Rx is calculated in Cartesian coordinates. The relative positioning is always expressed relatively to the transmitter and is defined as:
∆X Tx/Rx = ∆X + dRx to Tx cos(aRx to Tx) (Eq. 161)
∆Y Tx/Rx = ∆Y + dRx to Tx sin(aRx to Tx) (Eq. 162)
Consequently, assuming that one of the two pair of transmitter and receiver is fixed, it is then possible to use the relative positioning to determine the absolute location of the second pair of transmitter and receiver.