Anchor | ||||
- Time percentage : 1% £
<= pt <= 50 pt £<50 % - Frequency : 30 MHz £
<= f £<= 3 3 000 MHz - Distance : 0.001 km £
<= d <= 1000 d £<1000 km - Transmitter antenna height : 0 m £
<= ht <= 3000 ht £<3000 m - Receiver antenna height : 1 m £
<= hr <= 3000 hr £<3000 m
- Time percentage : 1% £
2 Determination of lower and higher nominal percentages ptinf and ptsup:
4.1.1) Calculate the dimensionless parameter k, function of the required transmitter height, ht:
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(Eq. 218)
4.1.2) Determine from the following table the set of parameters a0 to a3, b0 to b7, c0 to c6 and d0 to d1 to be used according to nominal values of frequencies and time percentages:
Table 8785: Parameters a0 to a3, b0 to b7, c0 to c6 and d0 to d1 Anchor T087T085T087 T085
Frequency | 100 MHz | 600 MHz | 2 000 MHz | ||||||
pt % | 50 | 10 | 1 | 50 | 10 | 1 | 50 | 10 | 1 |
a0 | 0.0814 | 0.0814 | 0.0776 | 0.0946 | 0.0913 | 0.0870 | 0.0946 | 0.0941 | 0.0918 |
a1 | 0.761 | 0.761 | 0.726 | 0.8849 | 0.8539 | 0.8141 | 0.8849 | 0.8805 | 0.8584 |
a2 | -30.444 | -30.444 | -29.028 | -35.399 | -34.160 | -32.567 | -35.399 | -35.222 | -34.337 |
a3 | 90.226 | 90.226 | 90.226 | 92.778 | 92.778 | 92.778 | 94.493 | 94.493 | 94.493 |
b0 | 33.6238 | 40.4554 | 45.577 | 51.6386 | 35.3453 | 36.8836 | 30.0051 | 25.0641 | 31.3878 |
b1 | 10.8917 | 12.8206 | 14.6752 | 10.9877 | 15.7595 | 13.8843 | 15.4202 | 22.1011 | 15.6683 |
b2 | 2.3311 | 2.2048 | 2.2333 | 2.2113 | 2.2252 | 2.3469 | 2.2978 | 2.3183 | 2.3941 |
b3 | 0.4427 | 0.4761 | 0.5439 | 0.5384 | 0.5285 | 0.5246 | 0.4971 | 0.5636 | 0.5633 |
b4 | 1.256E-7 | 7.788E-7 | 1.050E-6 | 4.323E-6 | 1.704E-7 | 5.169E-7 | 1.677E-7 | 3.126E-8 | 1.439E-7 |
b5 | 1.775 | 1.68 | 1.65 | 1.52 | 1.76 | 1.69 | 1.762 | 1.86 | 1.77 |
b6 | 49.39 | 41.78 | 38.02 | 49.52 | 49.06 | 46.5 | 55.21 | 54.39 | 49.18 |
b7 | 103.01 | 94.3 | 91.77 | 97.28 | 98.93 | 101.59 | 101.89 | 101.39 | 100.39 |
c0 | 5.4419 | 5.4877 | 4.7697 | 6.4701 | 5.8636 | 4.7453 | 6.9657 | 6.5809 | 6.0398 |
c1 | 3.7364 | 2.4673 | 2.7487 | 2.9820 | 3.0122 | 2.9581 | 3.6532 | 3.547 | 2.5951 |
c2 | 1.9457 | 1.7566 | 1.6797 | 1.7604 | 1.7335 | 1.9286 | 1.7658 | 1.7750 | 1.9153 |
c3 | 1.845 | 1.9104 | 1.8793 | 1.7508 | 1.7452 | 1.7378 | 1.6268 | 1.7321 | 1.6542 |
c4 | 415.91 | 510.08 | 343.24 | 198.33 | 216.91 | 247.68 | 114.39 | 219.54 | 186.67 |
c5 | 0.1128 | 0.1622 | 0.2642 | 0.1432 | 0.1690 | 0.1842 | 0.1309 | 0.1704 | 0.1019 |
c6 | 2.3538 | 2.1963 | 1.9549 | 2.2690 | 2.1985 | 2.0873 | 2.3286 | 2.1977 | 2.3954 |
d0 | 10 | 5.5 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
d1 | -1 | 1 | 2 | 1.2 | 1.2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
4.1.3) Calculate the unblended to maximum value field strength, Eu, at the distance, d, and transmitting height, ht, as follows:
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4.1.4) Calculate the blended to the free space value of field strength, Eb, at the distance, d, and transmitting height, ht, as follows:
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Efs is the free-space field strength
Efs = 106.9 - 20 log(d) dB(μV/m)
pbb is a blend coefficient set to value 8.
4.2) Calculation of the field strength E(f, d, ht, hr, ptinf) using log-linear interpolation in frequency range:
E = Einf + (Esup - Einf) log(f/finf)/log(fsup/finf) (dB(μV/m)) (Eq. 230)
Einf: E(f= finf , d, ht, hr, ptinf)
Esup: E(f= fsup , d, ht, hr, ptinf)
(Eq. 219)
4.1.4) Calculate the blended to the free space value of field strength, Eb, at the distance, d, and transmitting height, ht, as follows:
(Eq. 220)
Efs is the free-space field strength
Efs = 106.9 - 20 log(d) dB(μV/m)
pbb is a blend coefficient set to value 8.
4.2) Calculation of the field strength E(f, d, ht, hr, pt
inf) using log-linear interpolation in frequency range:
E = Einf + (Esup - Einf) log(f/finf)/log(fsup/finf) (dB(μV/m))
E(f= finf , d, ht, hr, pt
E(f= fsup , d, ht, hr, pt
3) Dual calculation for the field strength E(f, d, ht, hr, ptsup) using log-linear interpolation
frequency range:
E = Einf + (Esup
- Einf) log(f/finf)/log(fsup/finf) (dB(
Where: (Qi (x) being the inverse complementary cumulative normal distribution function):
Qt = Qi (pt/100)
Qinf =Qi (ptinf/100)
Qsup = Qi (ptsup /100)
Einf: E(f= finf , d, ht, hr, ptsup)
Esup: E(f= fsup , d, ht, hr, ptsup)
4.4) Calculation of the field strength E(f, d, ht, hr, pt
Esup =E(f, d, ht, hr, ptsup)
5 For a transmitting/base antenna height ht less than 10 m, determine the field strength for the required height and distance using following method
The procedure for extrapolating field strength at a required distance d km for values of ht in the range 0 m to 10 m is based on smooth-Earth horizon distances in km written as dH(h) = 4.1Öh, where h is the required value of transmitting/base antenna height ht in metres.
For d < dH(ht) the field strength is given by the 10 m height curve at its horizon distance, plus DE, where DE is the difference in field strengths on the 10 m height curve at distances d and the ht horizon distance.
For d ³ dH(ht) the field strength is given by the 10 m height curve at distance Dd beyond its horizon distance, where Dd is the difference between d and the ht horizon distance.
E = E10(dH(10)) + E10(d) - E10(dH(ht)) dB(µV/m) d < dH(ht)
= E10(dH(10) + d - dH(ht)) dB(µV/m) d ³ dH(ht)
If in the latter equation dH(10) + d - dH(ht) exceeds 1 000 km, even though d <-1 000 km, E10 may be found from linear extrapolation for log(distance) of the curve, given by:
E10 = Einf + (Esup - Einf) log(d/Dinf)/log(Dsup/Dinf) dB(µV/m)
Dinf: penultimate tabulation distance (km)
Dsup: final tabulation distance (km)
Einf: field strength at penultimate tabulation distance (dB(µV/m))
Esup: field strength at final tabulation distance (dBµV/m))
Note: this recommendation is not valid for distances greater than 1 000 km. This method should be used only for extrapolating for ht < 10 m.
6 If the receiving antenna height hr is not equal to the height of representative clutter at its location (denoted R), correct the field strength as follows:
The field-strength values given by the land curves and associated tabulations in this recommendation are for a reference receiving antenna at a height, R (m), representative of the height of the ground cover surrounding the receiving/mobile antenna, subject to a minimum height value of 10 m.
SEAMCAT always assumes the height of local clutter R , depending on the propagation environment set in the model selection window:
Selected environment
Assumed height of local clutter, m
If the receiving antenna height, hr (m), is different from the assumed R value, as shown in Table 88 , a correction shall be added to the field strength taken from the curve.
Where the receiving antenna is adjacent to land account should first be taken of the elevation angle of the arriving ray by calculating a modified representative clutter height R' (m), given by:
R' = R (m) for ht <= 6.5d + R (Eq. 233)
= (1 000 d R – 15 ht)/(1 000 d - 15 ) (m) for ht > 6.5d + R (Eq. 234)
where ht is in metres and distance d is in km.
The value of R' must be limited if necessary such that it is not less than 1 m.
When the receiving antenna is in an urban environment the correction is then given by:
Correction = (6.03) - J(n) dB for hr < R
= K hr log(hr /R') dB for hr ³ R (Eq. 235)
where J(n) is given by :
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hdif = R' - hr (m)
q clut = arctan (hdif /27) (degree)
K hr = 3.2 + 6.2 log(f)
Knu = 0.0108 Ö f
f = frequency (MHz)
If the required distance is equal to or greater than d10, then again the correction for the required value of h2 should be calculated using above equation (2) with R' set to 10 m.
If the required distance is less than d10, then the correction to be added to the field strength E should be calculated using:
Correction = 0.0 dB d ← d (hr) (Eq. 237)
= (C10) log(d/dhr)/log(d10/dhr) dB dhr < d < d10
C10: correction for the required value of hr at distance d10 using equation (2) with R' set to 10 m,
d10: distance at which the path just has 0.6 Fresnel clearance for hr = 10 m
calculated as D06(f, ht, 10) as given in note 2
dhr: distance at which the path just has 0.6 Fresnel clearance for the required value of hr calculated as D06(f, ht, hr) as given in note 2
This recommendation is not valid for receiving antenna heights, hr, less than 1 m.
7 Add a log-normal term G(sL) corresponding to the variability in the percentage of locations :
Values of standard deviation for digital systems having a bandwidth less than 1 MHz and for analogue systems are given as a function of frequency by:
sL = K + 1.6 log(f) dB (Eq. 238)
K = 2.1 - for mobile systems in urban locations;
3.8 - for mobile systems in suburban locations or amongst rolling hills;
5.1 - for analogue broadcasting systems.
For digital systems having a bandwidth of 1 MHz or greater, a standard deviation of 5.5 dB should be used at all frequencies.
8 If necessary, limit the resulting field strength to the maximum value calculated as follows:
The field strength must not exceed a maximum value Emax given by:
EMax = Efs dB(µV/m) for land paths
where Efs is the free space field strength for 1 kW e.r.p. given by:
Efs = 106.9 - 20 log(d) (dB(µV/m)) (Eq. 239)
9 Convert field strength to path loss using following formula:
Lb = 77.2 – E 20 log f (dB) (Eq. 240)
Lb: basic transmission loss (dB)
E: field strength in dB(mV/m) measured with a transmitting power of 1 W e.i.r.p.
f: frequency (MHz).
Note 1: The following approximation to the inverse complementary cumulative normal distribution function, Qi(x), is valid for 0.01 <= x <= 0.99 :
Qi(x) = T(x) –x(x) if x ≤ 0.5
Qi(x) = -{T(1-x) – x(1-x)} if x > 0.5
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C0 = 2.515517
C1 = 0.802853
C2 = 0.010328
D1 = 1.432788
D2 = 0.189269
D3 = 0.001308
Note 2: the path length which just achieves a clearance of 0.6 of the first Fresnel zone over a smooth curved Earth, for a given frequency and antenna heights ht and hr, is given approximately by:
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Df: (km) (frequency-dependent term)
Dh: (km) (asymptotic term defined by horizon distances)
) using log-linear interpolation formula in time percentage range :
E = Esup (Qinf- Qt)/(Qinf- Qsup) + Einf(Qt - Qsup)/(Qinf- Qsup) (dB(μV/m)) (Eq. 223)
Where: (Qi (x) being the inverse complementary cumulative normal distribution function):
Qt = Qi (pt/100)
Qinf =Qi (ptinf/100)
Qsup = Qi (ptsup /100)
Einf = E(f, d, ht, hr, ptinf)
Esup =E(f, d, ht, hr, ptsup)
5 For a transmitting/base antenna height ht less than 10 m, determine the field strength for the required height and distance using following method
The procedure for extrapolating field strength at a required distance d km for values of ht in the range 0 m to 10 m is based on smooth-Earth horizon distances in km written as dH(h) = 4.1Öh, where h is the required value of transmitting/base antenna height ht in metres.
For d < dH(ht) the field strength is given by the 10 m height curve at its horizon distance, plus DE, where DE is the difference in field strengths on the 10 m height curve at distances d and the ht horizon distance.
For d ³ dH(ht) the field strength is given by the 10 m height curve at distance Dd beyond its horizon distance, where Dd is the difference between d and the ht horizon distance.
This may be expressed in the following formulae where E10 (d)is the field strength in dB(µV/m) calculated for transmitter antenna 10 m and for a distance d (km) according to the procedure described in step 4:
E = E10(dH(10)) + E10(d) - E10(dH(ht)) dB(µV/m) d < dH(ht)
= E10(dH(10) + d - dH(ht)) dB(µV/m) d ³ dH(ht)
If in the latter equation dH(10) + d - dH(ht) exceeds 1 000 km, even though d £ 1 000 km, E10 may be found from linear extrapolation for log(distance) of the curve, given by:
E10 = Einf + (Esup - Einf) log(d/Dinf)/log(Dsup/Dinf) dB(µV/m)
Dinf: penultimate tabulation distance (km)
Dsup: final tabulation distance (km)
Einf: field strength at penultimate tabulation distance (dB(µV/m))
Esup: field strength at final tabulation distance (dBµV/m))
Note: this recommendation is not valid for distances greater than 1 000 km. This method should be used only for extrapolating for ht < 10 m.
6 If the receiving antenna height hr is not equal to the height of representative clutter at its location (denoted R), correct the field strength as follows:
The field-strength values given by the land curves and associated tabulations in this recommendation are for a reference receiving antenna at a height, R (m), representative of the height of the ground cover surrounding the receiving/mobile antenna, subject to a minimum height value of 10 m.
SEAMCAT always assumes the height of local clutter R , depending on the propagation environment set in the model selection window:
Table 86: Default clutter height in the ITU-R P1546-1 model (when clutter height option not activated) Anchor T086 T086
Selected environment | Assumed height of local clutter, m |
Rural | 10 |
Sub-urban | 10 |
Urban | 20 |
If the receiving antenna height, hr (m), is different from the assumed R value, as shown in Table 86 , a correction shall be added to the field strength taken from the curve.
Where the receiving antenna is adjacent to land account should first be taken of the elevation angle of the arriving ray by calculating a modified representative clutter height R' (m), given by:
R' = R (m) for ht <= 6.5d + R (Eq. 224)
= (1 000 d R – 15 ht)/(1 000 d - 15 ) (m) for ht > 6.5d + R (Eq. 225)
where ht is in metres and distance d is in km.
The value of R' must be limited if necessary such that it is not less than 1 m.
When the receiving antenna is in an urban environment the correction is then given by:
Correction = (6.03) - J(n) dB for hr < R
= K hr log(hr /R') dB for hr ³ R (Eq. 226)
where J(n) is given by :
(Eq. 227)
n = Knu Ö (hdif qclut)
hdif = R' - hr (m)
q clut = arctan (hdif /27) (degree)
K hr = 3.2 + 6.2 log(f)
Knu = 0.0108 Ö f
f = frequency (MHz)
Where the receiving antenna is adjacent to land in a ruralenvironment the correction is given by the above equation (3) for all values of hr.
If the required distance is equal to or greater than d10, then again the correction for the required value of h2 should be calculated using above equation (2) with R' set to 10 m.
If the required distance is less than d10, then the correction to be added to the field strength E should be calculated using:
Correction = 0.0 dB d £ d (hr) (Eq. 228)
= (C10) log(d/dhr)/log(d10/dhr) dB dhr < d < d10
C10: correction for the required value of hr at distance d10 using equation (2) with R' set to 10 m,
d10: distance at which the path just has 0.6 Fresnel clearance for hr = 10 m
calculated as D06(f, ht, 10) as given in note 2
dhr: distance at which the path just has 0.6 Fresnel clearance for the required value of hr calculated as D06(f, ht, hr) as given in note 2
This recommendation is not valid for receiving antenna heights, hr, less than 1 m.
7 Add a log-normal term G(sL) corresponding to the variability in the percentage of locations :
Values of standard deviation for digital systems having a bandwidth less than 1 MHz and for analogue systems are given as a function of frequency by:
sL = K + 1.6 log(f) dB (Eq. 229)
where :
K = 2.1 - for mobile systems in urban locations;
3.8 - for mobile systems in suburban locations or amongst rolling hills;
5.1 - for analogue broadcasting systems.
For digital systems having a bandwidth of 1 MHz or greater, a standard deviation of 5.5 dB should be used at all frequencies.
8 If necessary, limit the resulting field strength to the maximum value calculated as follows:
The field strength must not exceed a maximum value Emax given by:
EMax = Efs dB(mV/m) for land paths
where Efs is the free space field strength for 1 kW e.r.p. given by:
Efs = 106.9 - 20 log(d) (dB(mV/m)) (Eq. 230)
9 Convert field strength to path loss using following formula:
Lb = 77.2 – E 20 log f (dB) (Eq. 231)
Lb: basic transmission loss (dB)
E: field strength in dB(mV/m) measured with a transmitting power of 1 W e.i.r.p.
f: frequency (MHz).
Note 1: The following approximation to the inverse complementary cumulative normal distribution function, Qi(x), is valid for 0.01 <= x <= 0.99 :
Qi(x) = T(x) –x(x) if x £ 0.5
Qi(x) = -{T(1-x) – x(1-x)} if x > 0.5
C0 = 2.515517
C1 = 0.802853
C2 = 0.010328
D1 = 1.432788
D2 = 0.189269
D3 = 0.001308
Note 2: the path length which just achieves a clearance of 0.6 of the first Fresnel zone over a smooth curved Earth, for a given frequency and antenna heights ht and hr, is given approximately by:
Df: frequency-dependent term
= km
Dh: asymptotic term defined by horizon distances
= km
f: frequency (MHz)