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- Broadcasting: terrestrial systems and Earth stations of satellite systems;
- Fixed Services: Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint fixed systems;
- Mobile Services: Land Mobile Systems, Short Range Devices and Earth based components of satellite systems.
Section 1.9 presents various radio systems that have been simulated in various ECC Reports.
- Sharing studies between different radio systems operating in the same frequency band;
- Compatibility studies between different radio systems operating in different frequency bands;
- Evaluation of transmitter and receiver masks;
- Evaluation of limits for certain system parameters, such as transmitter unwanted emissions (spurious and out-of-band), and receiver blocking or intermodulation levels.
SEAMCAT assumes a flat Earth model for calculating path geometries and propagation losses, this . This limits the range of considered standard interference scenarios to terrestrial configurations and non-path-specific propagation models. Certain aeronautical and space-to-Earth paths can also be modelled if suitable propagation models are used.