1.9 Reference material and ECC / CEPT reports

1.9 Reference material and ECC / CEPT reports

Existing workspaces (i.e. .sws files) which have been generated as part of some ECC report or CEPT reports activities are available at the following address www.ecodocdb.dk. These files are can be opened with the latest SEAMCAT version, with the following restrictions:

  1. Post processing plugins created in previous versions are not compatible in version 5, as they were moved into Event Processing Plugins
  2. The local environments, which were placed together with the propagation models in previous versions, are to be found in version 5 in the system link tab (ILT –> ILR path, VLT –> VLR path). These settings are not migrated from previous versions.

See ANNEX 21: for an overview of studies per technology where SEAMCAT was used from various ECC deliverables. An example is shown in Figure 18 for the ECC Report 122.


Figure 18: ECC database where .sws file used in producing ECC or CEPT report are stored
(see ANNEX 21)

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