To replace the Doodle poll we have introduced the “Group Question” feature.
While doodle poll specifically is targeted towards date finding, the group question is a more open tool to ask any questions, but with a few date tools built in.
The tool resembles the Live Question tool found in The Meetinghub, but are not having all the same features.
Where to find it
Group Question will only be accesible if enabled in a WG or PT - and will be visible if you cant see it in the WG/PT you are in, its not enabled for that group.
The section is found on the top menu in any group where its enabled:
A member of ECO Staff or Chair/secretary can create and manage group questions.
When a question is asked in a group, it is indicated by a counter on the right side menu.
You can access the question by clicking the “My questions” on the menu in your start page or the “Group Question” tab in the group the question is asked. Also a direct link to the question could be send by email.
How to answer the question.
You answer the question by clicking the topic headline
And select the answers you prefer - after that click “Submit” and your vote is casted:
How to change your answer
It the question asked is non-anonymously, you can change your answer.
On the question overview - click the “Reset” button, and your answer will be deleted, and you can select again.