A17.19.1 Description of the model
This path loss model was developed by the IST-WINNER II project and its detailed description can be found in [1]. This is an empirical path loss model based on the measurements results carried out in the IST-WINNER II project, as well as results from the literature. It was developed for link and system level simulations of IMT Radio Interface Technologies beyond 3G in the frequency band 2–6 GHz. It covers wide scope of propagation scenarios and environments, including Suburban macro-cell (C1), Urban macro-cell (C2), Rural macro cell (D1), indoor-to-outdoor, outdoor-to-indoor, bad urban micro-cell, bad urban macro-cell, feeder link base station (BS) to fixed relay station (FRS), and moving networks BS to mobile relay station (MRS), MRS to mobile station (MS). Note that only outdoor scenarios C1, C2, and D1 are implemented in SEAMCAT. The model supports LOS and NLOS propagation conditions as well as the LOS probabilities. This model includes clutter loss and as such, it is not to be combined with the clutter loss model of Recommendation ITU-R P.2108-0.
Table A19.1: WINNER II Path Loss Model
Scenario | LOS/NLOS | Path Loss [dB] | Shadow fading std [dB] | Applicability ranges and default values [m] |
Urban Macro (C2) | LOS | PLC2-LOS= PL1, 10 m≤d≤dBP'PL2, dBP'≤d≤5 km , (see Note 1) |
| hMS=1.5 |
| PL1=Alog10d+B+Clog10fc5 | σSF=4 |
| PL2=13.47+40log10d-14.0log10hBS'-14.0log10hMS'+6.0log10fc5 | σSF=6 |
| NLOS | PLC2-NLOS=44.9-6.55log10hBSlog10d+34.46+5.83log10hBS+23log10fc5 | σSF=8 | hBS=25 |
Suburban Macro (C1) | LOS | PLC1-LOS= PL1, 30 m≤d≤dBPPL2, dBP≤d≤5 km , (see Note 2) |
| hBS=25 |
| PL1=Alog10d+B+Clog10fc5 | σSF=4 |
| PL2=11.65+40log10d-16.2log10hBS-16.2log10hMS+3.8log10fc5 | σSF=6 |
| NLOS | PLC1-NLOS=44.9-6.55log10hBSlog10d+31.46+5.83log10hBS+23log10fc5 | σSF=8 | hBS=25 |
Rural Maro (D1) | LOS | PLD1-LOS= PL1, 10 m≤d≤dBPPL2, dBP≤d≤10 km , (see Note 2) |
| hBS=32 |
| PL1=Alog10d+B+Clog10fc5 | σSF=4 |
| PL2=10.5+40log10d-18.5log10hBS-18.5log10hMS+1.5log10fc5 | σSF=6 |
| NLOS | PLD1-NLOS=25.1log10d+55.4-0.13hBS-25log10d100-0.9(hMS-1.5)+21.3log10fc5 | σSF=8 | hBS=32 |
Note 1:
Breakpoint distance dBP'=4hBS'hMS'fc/c, where fc is the centre frequency in Hz, c=3×108 m/s is the propagation velocity in free space, and hBS' and hMS' are the effective antenna heights at the BS and the MS, respectively. The effective antenna heights hBS' and hMS' are computed as follows: hBS'=hBS-hE, hMS'=hMS-hE, where hBS and hMS are the actual antenna heights, and hE is the effective environment height assumed to be hE=1 m.
Note 2:
Break point distance dBP=4hBShMSfc/c, where fc is the centre frequency in Hz, c=3×108 m/s is the propagation velocity in free space, and hBS and hMS are the antenna heights at the BS and the MS, respectively.
SEAMCAT specific implementation:
- hBS=max (hTx, hRx)
- hMS=min (hTx, hRx)
Table A19.2: LOS Probability
Scenario | LOS probability |
C2 | PLOS=min18d, 1⋅1-exp-d63+exp-d63 |
C1 | PLOS=exp-d200 |
D1 | PLOS=exp-d1000 |
Note: System level simulations require estimates of the probability of line-of-sight. The LOS probability models are based on relatively limited data sets and/or specific assumptions and approximations regarding the location of obstacles in the direct path, and should therefore not be considered exact.
In case the LOS probability is used, the path loss is computed as follows [2]:
where path losses in the LOS and NLOS conditions (PLLOS and PLNLOS) and the LOS probability, PLOS, for a given scenario are shown in Table A.17.19.1 and Table A.17.19.2, respectively.
A17.19.2 Input parameters
The input parameters for the path loss model WINNER II are shown in Figure A17.19.1 and defined in Table A17.19.3.
Figure A17.19.1: GUI of the WINNER II path loss model
Table A.17.19.3: Parameters of the WINNER II path loss model
Description | Symbol | Type | Unit | Comments |
Variation | σSF | B | dB | Variation in path loss (applies shadow fading) |
Scenario | - | S | - | Urban Macro Cell (C2), Suburban Macro Cell (C1) or Rural Macro Cell (D1) |
Line of Sight | - | S | - | Line of Sight (LOS), Non-Line of Sight (NLOS), or LOS Probabilities |
[1] | P. Kyösti, J. Meinilä, L. Hentilä, X. Zhao, T. Jämsä, C. Schneider, M. Narandzić, M. Milojević, A. Hong, J. Ylitalo, V.-M. Holappa, M. Alatossava, R. Bultitude, Y. d. Jong and T. Rautiainen, "IST-4-027756 WINNER II D1.1.2 V1.2 WINNER II Channel Models Part I: Channel Models," 2008. |
[2] | M. K. Samimi, T. S. Rappaport and G. R. MacCartney, "Probabilistic omnidirectional path loss models for millimeter-wave outdoor communications," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 4, no. 4, p. 357–360, 2015. |