12.8.1 Plot configuration

12.8.1 Plot configuration

The top part of the detailed system information screen contains a range of checkboxes used to control which information is plotted (Figure 266).  A full description of each checkbox is given in Table 53.


Figure 266: Plot configuration


Table 53: Plot configuration elements




Plot active UEs across the entire system

Dropped users

Plot dropped UEs across the entire system

Connection lines

Plot active connections for all active UEs – this only shows if “UEs” are checked

TX stats

If system is downlink this toggles the display of the transmit power of each base-station. If system is uplink this toggles the display of the noise rise of each base-station as well as the total interference experienced by that base-station. Also the number of active UEs connected to each base-station is shown – regardless of link direction.

Antenna Pattern

Toggles a visual representation of the antenna pattern of the selected base-station. This is mostly interesting in tri-sector scenarios. The plot of the antenna pattern can be used to ensure that the correct sector is selected.

Cell centre

Toggles the display of base-station position within the cell.

External Interferers

Toggles the display of external interferers. This only has effect when CDMA is victim.

Cell ID#

Toggles the display of the internal SEAMCAT cell id next to the cell centre


Toggles the display of the legend in the top left part of the main plot area

The main part of the CDMA network Details window is used by the main plot. The plot shows a visual representation of the last snapshot and should be used to validate that the input parameters actually corresponds to the system that should be simulated. The plot allows for heavy user interaction. A very basic example is shown Figure 267 below.

Figure 267: Main plot of CDMA network