14.2 Background and Terminology
14.2 Background and Terminology
The following terminology is used throughout this document.
- System: A radio system of SEAMCAT. Currently SEAMCAT supports two kinds of systems, i.e. Generic System and Cellular System (with four sub types available: CDMA UpLink, CDMA DownLink, OFDMA UpLink, OFDMA DownLink). However different, all systems has common traits such as frequency, receiver characteristics, transmitter characteristics, positioning, etc.
- Victim system: referred to as 'The victim' as there is only one victim for a simulation.
- Interfering system: a system that interferes with the victim system.
- Interference link: this is a constellation of a victim system and an interfering system. But it also includes configuration outside of systems, i.e. relative positioning of the systems, propagation model, specifics for system types such as user defined DRSS for generic system.
- Scenario: a complete configuration of a victim system and a list of interference links (and thereby a list of interfering systems).
- Event (or snapshot): a random trial of all distributions in a scenario.
- EventResult: from an event the system simulations apply calculations and produce a number of results, which is what we call the event result.
- Simulation result: the total result of combining all produced EventResults.
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