6.3 Input system parameters

6.3 Input system parameters

For the sensing feature to be activated, both the victim and interferer transmitters have to have the “interferer is CR” selected (Figure 158). This will activate the spectrum sensing algorithm (see ANNEX 16:) and will allow you to set the transmitting characteristic of the victim link transmitter, i.e. the energy that the cognitive radio spectrum sensing device is to sense. You will be able to set the emission mask and the emission floor. 


Figure 158: Selection of the CR algorithm


Table 20: Victim Link transmitter






Interferer is CR


When the CR button is checked then it allows to set the emission characteristics of the VLT (used for the sRSS calculation only)

Emission mask:

Unwanted signal level (VLT)

Function (X,Y) (MHz)

dBm/reference bandw. (MHz)

Define the mask of the transmitter, in the emission bandwidth and out of the emission bandwidth.

Negative values in the relative mask should be chosen in a way that the integration over the emission bandwidth results in the total emitted power. If constant mask, there is no emission outside of the bandwidth.

Unwanted emissions floor: Noise floor signal level

Function (X,Y) (MHz)


reference bandw. (MHz)

Define the minimum strength of the unwanted emissions.

So the unwanted emissions equal to Max(Pwt + Unwanted emission, Unwanted emissions floor)

 Note that the settings of the emissions mask and the emission floor is the same as for the interfering link (i.e. same units).



Figure 159: Activate the CR in the VLT (Victim Link) to consider its emission characteristics
(i.e. used in the sRSS calculation)