A6 sRSS calculation

A6 sRSS calculation

For one single event, the instantaneous sensing Received Signal Strength, sRSS is calculated as

                  (Eq. 109)


  • P^output_VLT (f_m): power supplied to the VLT antenna. The bandwidth of the sensing device (It) should be considered in the calculation. Note: The emission bandwidth of the VLT may be different from the ILT receiving bandwidth, therefore when the sRSS is to be calculated, a bandwidth correction factor is needed. PVLT is subject to power control. The emission spectrum mask of the VLT is provided in order to calculate PVLT at frequency fm;
  •   f_m: is the frequency of the sensing device;.
  •  G_VLT->ILT: VLT antenna gain in the direction of the ILT;
  •  G_ILT->VLT: ILT antenna gain in the direction of the VLT;
  •  PL_VLT->ILT: Path loss between the VLT and the ILT.

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