If you need assistance, please contact helpdesk@eco.cept.org.
How do i gain access to the WRC23 Coordination group site
The WRC23 Coordination group are located on the CEPT portal under ECC. Please click here to access the group pages.I forgot my password for the CEPT portal , how do i get a new one ?
If you forgot your password, please use the “Forgot password” link in the login box. This will send you a link to set a new password. See how here.
The CEPT portal says my account is locked out - how do i unlock it ?
After 20 attempts to access your account with the wrong password, we lock the account from further attempts. This is to avoid brute-force password hacking. You will need to contact helpdesk@eco.cept.org to the account opened again.
What is the server address for the chat system ?
The chat server can be accessed by browser, mobile app and desktop app. The server address is “chat.cept.org” - Please click here to read more on how to access the chat system.
Where do i find my login for the chat system ?
The assigned login for the chatserver is displayed on your CEPT profile information page almost the bottom. See more here.
My main email address is wrong in the system - how do i change it ?
If you need to replace your main email address on the CEPT portal, please contact helpdesk@eco.cept.org for assistance, indicating the old address and the new address. Please note the change is subject to evaluation for group participation - example if you change from administration to industry you may have to apply for individual group membership again. We may come back to you for clarification.
Using Live Questions for polling
Where do i find information on CEPT coordinations meetings - see ITU calendard
Where can i find the weekly reports - also follow linkedin / X (former Twitter)