A18.7.5 Example of intermediary results

A18.7.5 Example of intermediary results

A1.1.1     Example of intermediary results

When you develop your own plugin, you are able to auto-complete the list of available temporary parameters. For instance in an IntelJIdea development editor, if you press CTRL+SPACE an auto complete of the victimResult is availbale.

First, of course, you will need to assign what victimResult is in such a manner:

LinkResult victimResult = linkResult.getVictimSystemLinks().get(0);

Figure 518 presents an example of the content of an auto-complete of a variable of the type LinkResult 

Figure 526: Example of content of the LinkResult interface
(auto-complete “CTRL+SPACE” in IntelJidea)

The EPP allows you to access interemediary results. The following is a non-exhaustive list of the LinkResult interface:

AntennaResult rxAntenna():                    Receiver antenna results in the direction of the transmitter

AntennaResult txAntenna():                    Transmitter antenna results in the direction of the receiver

double getTxRxAngle():                         Angle between transmitter and receiver

double getTxRxDistance():                     Distance between transmitter and receiver.

double getTxRxPathLoss():                    Path loss between transmitter-receiver path.

double getEffectiveTxRxPathLoss():      Effective Path loss between transmitter-receiver path.

double getBlockingAttenuation():           get the blocking attenuation;

double getTxPower():                            get the transmitter power

double getFrequency():                          get the frequency of the system

boolean isTxRxInSameBuilding():           indicates if the Tx or Rx is in the same building (from propagation model)

double getRxNoiseFloor()                      get the receiver noise floor

Similarly, if you look one level down in the RxAntenna() that is follows an AntennaResult interface, you will see further parameters listed:

Figure 527: Example of content of the AntennaResult interface
(auto-complete “CTRL+SPACE” in IntelJidea)

And likewise, if you look into the getposition() that is follows a Point2D interface, you will have the choice to select either getX() or get(Y) for the X and Y position of the received antenna of the victim.

Figure 528: Example of content of the Point2D interface
(auto-complete “CTRL+SPACE” in IntelJidea)

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