

The user-defined (stair) is the discrete alternative of continuous User-defined function described above. The Stair function is defined through a discrete set of values Xi, i = 1…N and associated probabilities S(Xi) . This is the pair of set (Xi, S(Xi)) where Xi represents all possible values that might be assigned to the variable, whereas S(Xi) represents their cumulative probabilities: 

                (Eq. 144)

Such a distribution will be entered in form of a list of couples (Xi, S(Xi)). Entering such a distribution in cumulated form allow to control that the sum of the probabilities is equal to 1.

The definition range of the input Cum. Prob. (S(Xi)) is (0, 1)

This example returns frequencies that will operate at 904 MHz, for another snapshot it will be 902 MHz, etc…

Figure 408: User defined (stair): parameters (left) PDF (right)

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