8.3.1 CDMA general settings
Table 27: CDMA general settings input parameters
Description | Symbol | Type | Unit | Comments |
Receiver Noise Figure | Scalar | dB | Equipment-specific noise figure of receiver. It is used to calculate the noise floor. See Section1.2.2 | |
Handover margin | Scalar | dB | Specifies the maximum difference between the links in users active list. The actual active-list selection is based on pathloss calculations. | |
Call drop threshold | Scalar | dB | Threshold to determine call drops. It is used by the power control to determine if a user should be dropped when not meeting exact target requirement. | |
Voice bit rate | Scalar | kbps | it is used to calculate the processing gain. See Section 8.7.1. processingGain = 10*log10(systemBandwidth (MHz) / voiceBitRate (kbps) * 1000); | |
Reference bandwith | Scalar | MHz | Bandwidth of the system. It is the same for either UL or DL. | |
Voice activity factor | - | - | - | It is set to 1, i.e. 100% (all voice users that are generated are active). It is not editable. |
Minimum Coupling Loss | Scalar | dB | The minimum path loss. It is used in the calculation of the effective path loss depicted in section 7.6.1 | |
Link Level Data | Function (X,Y) | Drop-down selection of Link level data look-up functions from Library. It is user's responsibility to choose an appropriate set of data. See Section 8.5 for further details |