How to get started

How to get started

Are you new to the CEPT universe ? - follow this guide to get started with your account

If you need assistance, please contact helpdesk@eco.cept.org.


Step 1 - Create an account.

First step is creating an account. When you create an account, you have access to become member in working groups (WG) and project teams (PT). By this membership you have access to documents, meetings and other information.

It’s quite simple - proceed to this address and create your account: https://cept.org/system/member-registration/

When you're profile is created, you will need to verify by clicking the link that will be send to you by email, this is to ensure that your details is not used by intruders.

Now you are ready to login, please go ahead and do that , and you are ready to apply for membership of groups.


Step 2 - Group memberships

All work done in the PT’s and WG’s which are organised in groups under their relevant organisations (ECC, Com-ITU, CERP and ECO).

Some PT’s and WG’s are open, which means their work is publicly available on the CEPT portal. However as a member of the groups you will also be a member of the mail reflector and hereby receive news by email from the group.

Other PT’s and WG’s are closed for public access, therefor you can experience a message that states you need to be a member to view the content. You can always find the relevant PT or WG chair contact information on this page, please contact The Chair directly if you find that should have access but haven't.

Membership is subject to either The Chair or ECO expert approval (in coordination with The Chair)

Find first the organisation, and then the PT or WG you want to be a member of. See more instructions here how to apply for membership: Groups


Step 3 - Engage in the work

For PT or WG, theres a number of tools that can be available.

  • Mail reflector - an associated mailing list exists for all groups. All members of the relevant group become member of the associated mailing list. Please note that some groups can have extra mailing lists, these are usually listed on the frontpage of the group. Ask The Chair or ECO contact for assistance to be connected to these, or email helpdesk.

  • Forum - some groups use forum for community based communication. In the relevant group a tab in the menu will give you access to the forum.

  • Chat system - the Chat system are enabled in some groups - access to the chat is given by a tab in the group menu. Please note the chat system have a different login scheme, you will find the login information in your profile page. Please read more how to use the chat system here.

  • Meeting documents - for meetings planned on the CEPT portal, there usually are an associated document storage associated. Use this to exchange relevant documents for the meetings.





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