

Nall events are passing the dRSS criterion

For both Case 1 or Case 2, the probability of interference should be calculated in a two steps process:

  • Step 1: calculate the probability of interference resulting from the overloading for a given total number of events where the dRSS > sensitivity.

Among Nall events for which the dRSS criterion is met, Noverloaded are interfered due to the overloading, the corresponding probability is:

Poverloading = Noverloaded / Nall or similarly Poverloading = 1 - ( Ngood_overloading /Nall)

  • Step 2: for Nall - Noverloaded  the events which were not interfered in step 1, calculate the probability of interference resulting from blocking / unwanted emissions (the reference should be the total number of events where the dRSS > sensitivity).

i.e. for (Nall - Noverloaded) events which passed Step 1, Nblocked  are interfered by unwanted or blocking or by the consideration of both phenomena (applying the current threshold for unwanted and blocking)


Pblocking  = Nblocked / Nall or similarly Pblocking = 1 - ( Ngood_blocking /Nall)


The total probability of interference is the sum of those two probabilities (step 1 and step 2) of interference.

Ptot        = Poverloading + Pblocking                                                                   (Eq. 82)

= Noverloaded / Nall + Nblocked / Nall

= (Noverloaded +Nblocked)/ Nall

= 1- ((Nall - Noverloaded +Nblocked)/ Nall

Note: overloading is only implemented in the victim receiving interface of “traditional” SEAMCAT, i.e. the overloading is not implemented where the victim is either CDMA or OFDMA. However, the impact of the interference from CDMA or OFDMA system should be taken into account when overloading is activated in the victim dialog box.

Note: overloading is not implemented for translation. When translation is selected in the ICE window, the overloading is button should be shaded to show that it is not active.

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