

If the dRSS signal is above the sensitivity floor, it is counted as qualifying snapshot and if then the composite iRSS signal satisfies the criteria (e.g. if dRSS-iRSS>C/I), then the system notes that the given snapshot produced the non-interfered communication attempt.

SEAMCAT calculates the probability of interference (pI) of the victim link receiver as follows:

                                                                                                     (Eq. 74)

were pNI is the probability of Non Interference (NI) of the receiver.

When a C/I criterion is considered, pNI is defined as:

           (Eq. 75)

since by definition P(A|B)=P(A∩B)/P(B), pNI becomes:

                                          (Eq. 76)

with  where P is the number of interferers (i.e. active transmitters).

Monte Carlo method is applied individually to the numerator and to the denominator of the expression of pNI . The result obtained is an estimation of pNI  by using the following equations (p’NI):

   (Eq. 77)

with M the number of events (or snapshots) and where

   (Eq. 78)

Similarly, when a C/(I+N) criterion is considered, pNI is defined as:

                              (Eq. 79)

When a (I+N)/N criterion is considered, pNI is defined as:

                (Eq. 80)

When a I/N criterion is considered, pNI is defined as:

         (Eq. 81)