A18.3.1 Setting up the project

A18.3.1 Setting up the project

Setting up the project is done using maven and uses the template project found in the plugin-template.zip.

Figure 494: Example in setting up a project

Unzip this file and name the main directory "pm-square". The contents of the unzipped folder is an empty Java project with maven configuration for the project dependencies and instructions on how to create a .jar file.

After importingthe intellij project, it is important that the local maven repository knows about seamcat-model-5.0.0.jar dependency. Follow the instruction of section ‎A18.2. The local maven repository will now contain the needed dependency and with intellij the project can now be imported. Do this by opening intellij and choose File<New<Project from Existing Sources-t.

Figure 495: Select the pom.xml file in the 'pm-square' folder.

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