A. Input parameters
The input parameters for the three site-general propagation models from ITU-R P.1411-11 are shown in SEAMCAT GUI in Figure 1 and defined in Table 1. The remaining parameters (such as frequency, Tx/Rx antenna heights and distance) are taken directly from the Tx/Rx local environments and SEAMCAT workspace.
Figure 1: GUI of the ITU-R P.1411-10 Site-General Models.
Table 1: ITU-R P.1411-11 Site-General Models
Description | Symbol | Type | Unit | Comments |
Variations | - | B | - | Variation in basic transmission loss (applicable to models §4.1.1 and §4.2.1) |
Local environment | - | - | - | Environment of the propagation: Suburban, Urban, Dense Urban, Urban/High-rise, Urban/Low-rise, Residential, LoS, NLoS |
Location percentage | - | S | % | Percentage of locations: between 0% and 100 % (applicable to model §4.3.1) |
LoS/NLoS transition width | - | S | m | Average street width: typical value is 20 m (applicable to model §4.3.1) |