A.17.14.3 ITU-R P.1411-11

A.17.14.3 ITU-R P.1411-11

Recommendation ITU-R P.1411-11 provides guidance on outdoor short-range propagation over the path lengths below about 1 km and over the frequency range 300 MHz to 100 GHz. For typical scenarios in urban and suburban areas, three closed-form algorithms for site-general models are defined in this Recommendation and implemented in SEAMCAT:

  • 4.1.1: Site-general model for propagation within street canyons where both the transmitting and receiving stations are located below-rooftop, regardless of their antenna heights
  • 4.2.1: Site-general model for propagation where one of the stations is located above-rooftop and the other station is located below-rooftop, regardless of their antenna heights
  • 4.3.1: Site-general model for propagation between low-height terminals where both terminal antenna heights are near street level well below roof-top height, but otherwise unspecified.

All of the path loss models of this recommendation require measured empirical constants to complete the calculations. Many of the prediction methods are based on measurements at specific frequencies within the range of interest. It must be emphasised that the measurements and modelling in this Recommendation intrinsically include the effect of clutter over the full length of the path, so it would be inappropriate to add a calculation of clutter separately.

The site-general model in section §4.1.1 of Recommendation ITU-R P.1411-11 has the applicable frequency range extended to 82 GHz for LoS Urban high-rise, LoS Urban low-rise/Suburban and NLoS Urban high-rise environments. The site-general models and empirical constants themselves remain the same as in Recommendation ITU-R P.1411-10.

  • Description of the model ITU-R P.1411-11 §4.1.1 - See description of the model ITU-R P.1411-10 §4.1.1
  • Description of the model ITU-R P.1411-11 §4.2.1  - See description of the model ITU-R P.1411-9 §4.2.1
  • Description of the model ITU-R P.1411-11 §4.3.1 - See description of the model ITU-R P.1411-9 §4.3.1

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