9.3.9 OFDMA Capacity

9.3.9 OFDMA Capacity

The panel is similar for the OFDMA DL and UL.

Table 39: OFDMA capacity definition (i.e. number of UE from which active UEs will be selected)






Users per BS


Defines how many mobiles per cell should be generated in the system. For each base station (BS), each UE will be added to served UE list of that BS. Depending on the propagation or handover conditions, a UE will either remain connected to the BS or will be disconnected.

THIS IS NOT the number of active users. The number of active users is the ratio of Max subcarriers per Base Station/ Number of subcarriers per mobile as described in Table 35. The number of active users can also be overridden for OFDMA UL using “User defined active MS per BS” described in Table 37.

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