2.1 Quick buttons toolbar

2.1 Quick buttons toolbar

A ‘quick buttons’ toolbar with access to the most commonly used features is avaialable at the top of the SEAMCAT interface window. The function of each button is shown in a tooltip whenever your mouse is moved over it. Certain  buttons are inactive when the function is not applicable, e.g. the stop simulation button is active only during the run of a simulation. Inactive buttons are displayed dimmed.

Table 2: Overview of the buttons on the quick menu toolbar


new workspace


export library


check the built-in and plugin propagation model


new batch


start event generation (workspace or batch)


check the unwanted emission function


open (workspace or batch)


stop event genetration (workspace or batch)


compare multiple vectors


Save (save as, save all)


generate a report (xml or html file)


pocket calculator


close workspace or batch


check the consistency of the workspace

on-line manual help contents


import library


check the built-in distribution function


report bugs or enhancement

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