2.15 Play / Replay an event
In the Results tab, there is access to a list of all the results from SEAMCAT and from the EPPs used in the simulation giving the option to “Play/replay” one event, and a log of the calculation will be made available.
When inspecting the dRSS or iRSS vector, an event may be identified and further investigated by using the replay feature. For that, identify the event number to replay, insert this number and click on the ”play” button
. A new tab called <Replay [event = x]> will be created and will contain an “Event Result” panel on the left and a “Log Trace” on the right hand side. This log file is automatically saved under the “logfiles” folder in your home directory.
Figure 47: Illustration of the play/replay feature
Figure 48: Illustration of the Replay tab with “Event Result” on the left and “Log Trace” on the right
Doing cellular system simulation the play/replay function allows re-runnning a specific event and redisplaying a cellular structure layout as shown in Figure 49. Inspecting an event allows the validation of the configuration of the simulated workspace.
Figure 49: Example of the play/replay feature for a cellular network